Sodium Chloride Injection
Vet Drug Name: Sodium Chloride Injection(Normal saline)
Active Ingredient: Sodium chloride 0.9g/100ml
Appearance: Clear, colorless solution
The product is an electrolyte supplement. In animals, sodium is an extremely important cation in the extracellular fluid and
an important component in maintaining the osmotic pressure and volume of the extracellular fluid. Sodium, in the form of
sodium bicarbonate, constitutes a buffer system, which also plays an important role in regulating the acid-base balance of
body fluids. The normal concentration of sodium ion in extracellular fluid is a necessary condition for maintaining cell
excitability and neuromuscular irritability. A large amount of sodium loss in the body can cause hyposodium syndrome,
which is manifested as general weakness, apathy, muscle spasms, circulation disorders, etc., and coma until death. In
addition, after intravenous injection of hypertonic sodium chloride solution, vagus nerve can be reflexively excited, which
makes gastrointestinal smooth muscle excited and peristalsis strengthened.
This product is administered by intravenous infusion for the treatment of dehydration andhypovolaemia in cattle, sheep,
goats, pigs,horses, dogs and cats; and deficiency of sodium(hyponatraemia)and chloride (hypochloraemia).
Usage and dosage:
Intravenous use. Administer slowly via intravenous infusion.
Recommend Usage: Horse, Cattle 1000~3000ml; Pig, Sheep 250~500ml; Dogs 100~500ml.
Do not use in animals with: Hypertonic dehydration, Hypernatraemia, Hyperchloraemia, Hyperhydration, Acidosis,
Syndrome of oedema and ascites, In cases when sodium restriction is indicated.
Adverse reactions:
(1) Excessive and rapid infusion can cause water and sodium retention, causing edema, elevated blood pressure, and
accelerated heart rate.
(2) Excessive and rapid infusion of hypotonic sodium chloride can cause hemolysis and brain edema.
(1) Animals with pulmonary edema are contraindicated..
(2) Use with caution in animals with brain, kidney, heart dysfunction and low plasma protein
(3) The chloride ions contained in this product are higher than the concentration of plasma chloride ions, and acidosis has
occurred in animals, such as a large number of applications, can cause high chlorine acidosis. At this time, sodium
bicarbonate and normal saline can be used.
Withdrawal period: Zero days
Specification: 500ml:4.5g
Package: 30 vials per box
Storage: Dry and cool place, in room temperature under 30 ºC, avoid direct sunlight.
Shelf life: 24 months